Arts in education
Artistic Expression is one of the first ways in which human beings state our inner and social being. This is closely related to the world that surrounds children, they draw what they experience. Since Artistic Expression is one of the first ways of expression of human beings, it is essential to work it through education and during childrens’ life. Children express themselves artistically in several ways, those are artistic disciplines. The Arts do not only involve painting, it is said to have seven disciplines: sculpture, music, literature, drama and dancing, architecture and painting.
Lowenfeld (1964) pointed out that if artistic education develops creative skills, this might be transferred to other daily basis activities which require a creative effort. Creativity is necessary in all areas of our daily life, and it is not only developed in art classes. Creation and development of sensitivity are two concepts which are closely related to the arts' disciplines, as they develop sensorial inputs, think about innovative solutions, and promote the value and respect of diversity.
Nowadays, drawing techniques are a great part of Artistic Education, these lessons are usually based on copying other drawings. This is not enough, as teachers, we have to encourage our students to create, experiment, express, learn and value artistic expression. Moreover, all the arts disciplines should be carried out in school since each student should find the best way he/she has to express his/her feelings and opinions.
Therefore, a big change in the understanding we have of arts is necessary. For this reason, teachers’ training related with art's education will be essential for the improvement of our society, since the Arts develop: creativity, originality, appreciation for diversity and flexibility. Moreover teachers have to know, to understand and to value art; if teachers truly believe this, their pupils will too. Hence, it is essential that, as teachers, we reflect and go deeper into the notion of art.
For students, Artistic creations are very important since they make them feel proud of themselves. Hence, when they create a composition that they like, this increases their self-esteem which has an indirectly positive effect on their learning. We all know that learning leads students to a happier and freer life, that is one of the aims we, as teachers, should have. In conclusion, sensitivity and the ability to express ourselves make people free that is why we should encourage our students to express themselves and create compositions in different ways.
Alcaide, C. (2001). “Los Educadores y el reto permanente del arte”. Avaible at: https://www.uv.es/valors/Alcaide.pdf. Accessed on 27 November of 2017.
Lowenfeld, V. (1964). Desarrollo de la capacidad creadora. Buenos Aires: Editorial Kapelusz.
"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstein