A focus on language listening skills
"Listening" is defined by Rost (1991) as an active process requiring participation on the part of the listener.
There are some factors which encourage students not to listen, such as accent, topics, modulation of the voice, body language etc. In addition, MacIntyre (1998) pointed out that anxiety impacts EFL students' social and cognifive abilities as well. Students stand a better chance to be more sucessful in their listening skills in the English language without foreign language anxiety. The main aim is to lower anxiety and raise academic achievement.
Can the integration of artistic elements in the curriculum increase language listening abilities in EFL students? Several studies agree on an effective method is teaching foreign language listening skills through arts in the form of music cloze and drama threatre. Andrade (2006) consideres that both artistic elements, music and drama, can interest and motivate students. Cameron (2001) states that songs and rhymes are important in foreign language classrooms. Demirel (2004) claims that the most beneficial method in teaching listening comprehension, pronunciation and dictation, is through songs.
It is significant to keep in mind that music cloze is more interesting for students when lyrics are relevant and appealing, so themes and vocabulary acquire special importance.
Andrade, M. (2006). Improving How Listening Skills are Taught in the EFL Classroom: Guidelines to Producing Better Speakers of the English Language. Retrieved on 13rd of December 2017 from: http://portaldoconhecimento.gov.cv/bitstream/10961/2440/1/Monografia%20de%20Miguel%20Andrade.pdf
Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
MacIntyre, A. (1998). Language Anxiety: A Review of the Research for Language Teachers. In Affect in Foreign Language and Second Language Learning, edited by D.J. Young, 24-45. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Rost, M. (1991). Listening in Actions: Activities for Developing Listening in Language Teching. New York: Prentice Hall.
Timuçin, M. & Aryoubi, H. (2016). Integrating arts in the EFL curricula: a focus on language listening skills. International Journal of Languages' Education and Teaching. 4(2), 233-256.