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Here we will show you some websites and apps that you can use to teach art or to work on Project Based Learning. Nevertheless, this resources are suitable for any topic or subject, so we hope we can give you a few ideas to introduce ICT in your classes.

Dramatizing content

Here you have a perfect example of how to combine: arts, content, and English. If you are studying an important author, personality, or person; ask you're students to make a video to express the theory through drama. They can make up a story with the characther and express the theory through the video. This has lots of benefits including motivation and meaningful learning.

We have chosen Krashen since we think it´s the perfect example to use in this blog! The aim of the blog is to teach English through art, Krashen helped us to add theory about learning L2 to our blog!

We have personally enjoyed a lot doing this video and this has helped us to understand Krashen's 5 hypothesis theory. We strongly recommend you to put into practice this activity with your students, they would love it!

We hope you enjoy the video, thank you for watching!

Stephen Krashens' 5 hypothesis theory

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